Instructional Devices

Instructional Devices

SIBCRA Pro Instructional Devices are intended to prepare professionals from military, civil defence, police, medical and forensic services to face incidents and accidents involving CBRNE agents. The Instructional Devices offer safe, but realistic alternative to authentic (live) CBRNE agent training.

Radiological and Nuclear Simulants (RN)

The RADSIM series is at the forefront of radiological and nuclear simulation for CBRN training. These devices replicate the dynamics of ionizing radiation fields up to 15 meters using a compact radio frequency source, offering realistic training scenarios without the risks associated with real radiation exposure.

Handheld Radiation Instrument Simulation:

Adjustable radiation levels from 0.5 µSv/hr to 10 Sv/hr and customizable alarm settings make this simulator ideal for individual or group training. It can link up to 16 units for complex, dynamic training scenarios.

RADSIM Contamination Simulation System:

This system uses standard radiation detection instruments repurposed for safe, realistic training on radiation contamination. The proprietary liquid simulant, RADSIM LS1, allows trainees to explore various contamination scenarios effectively and safely.